The Gathering: Daughters of the Living King

The Armor of God

Judy Killebrew Season 1 Episode 19

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Hello and Welcome to The Gathering, Daughters of the Living King, where women seek to know and experience the love of Christ. I am your host, Judy Killebrew, and my experience and passion is in encouraging and empowering women and their walk of Faith With the Lord.  Hebrews 10:25 states “and let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” 

Hello friends, today we are discussing the importance of wearing the armor of God.

We may forget at times, but one thing is true - this world is a battlefield.  Day by day, hour by hour, we face a spiritual war and an enemy who’s real.

We put on the belt of truth to protect against lies and deception. We read the bible, study the Bible, pray daily and walk humbly with God. We allow God’s Word, His truth, to shape every aspect of our life. 

Secondly, We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts from the temptations we battle. To wear the breastplate of righteousness, we need to constantly guard our heart and protect it from sinful desires that lead us astray. Our conscience needs to be kept pure, so that we may yearn for the things of God instead of earthly treasures. By keeping our heart focused on scripture, we can stay on the right track and please God with our actions. 

We put the gospel of peace on our feet, so we are ready to take our light wherever our Living King sends us each day. We choose to walk in the peace and freedom of the Spirit and not be overcome with fear and anxious thoughts. When we put on the shoes of the gospel of peace, we are saying that we believe this good news and we are ready to share it with others. We stay in God’s word so that we may know God’s truth for ourself.

And, We take up the shield of faith that will extinguish all the darts and threats thrown our way by the enemy. We believe in God’s power to protect us and we choose to trust in Him.  Paul taught this to the Romans when explaining that all may receive the gift of faith: “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” as stated in Romans 10:17. In other words, we grow and strengthen our faith by hearing the message that is the word, or gospel, of Christ. And by reading the Bible.

We put on the helmet of salvation, which covers our minds and thoughts, reminding us that we are children of the Living King: forgiven, set free, and saved by the grace of Christ Jesus. Wearing the helmet of salvation means living with an eternal perspective. It changes the way we live. Salvation is more than future benefits. It impacts our present daily life. 

And lastly, we take up the sword of the Spirit, God's very Word, the one offensive weapon given to us for battle, which has the power to demolish strongholds.  The Word is alive, active, and sharper than any double-edged sword. The sword of the Spirit is all about reading, studying the Bible and then living its truth out in your life. God’s Word is powerful and will help us resist temptation, fight against sin, and stand firm against the enemy. It will help us know how to handle different situations, how to live our life and so much more.

If we take the time each morning to start our day by ensuring that the full armor of God is intact, we are assured victory against the enemy. Deuteronomy 20: 4 reminds us that "The Lord your God is He who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory." 

Friends, I hope to see you next time as we gather and experience a transformed life with the beauty of God’s love. You can listen to this podcast on Spotify, Apple, or any podcast site. Don’t forget to

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