The Gathering: Daughters of the Living King

The Messiness in Worry

Judy Killebrew Season 1 Episode 8

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Today, we are discussing the messiness of worry.  So let’s begin by imagining worry as a fire.  Do you see the spark? The more we allow worry to occupy our thoughts, the more fuel we are putting on the fire of “worry”.  The more we do this, the bigger the fire gets.  Pretty soon, it's burning out of control and our thoughts are consumed with nothing but worry. That little spark is now a bonfire of worry.  And the truth is that if we are worrying about it, it’s dictating, or controlling, our life. Because what happens when we start worrying is that we are obsessing over the what “ifs” …and then because of the what ifs, we might engage in seeking reassurance by researching what the internet says or asking friends for advice. As worries burn out of control, our reassurance seeking efforts intensify. And at the end of the day, we may feel an even greater sense of uncertainty, leading to additional worry. 

But let’s see what scripture says about worry.  In Proverbs‬ chapter 12: 25, the Word states that “Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up." Worry weighs us down because we are dwelling on things that might never happen, yet this verse in Proverbs states an encouraging word cheers a person up. When I think of an encouraging word, I think of the Word of God. Let the Word of God feed us. Let His Word encourage us. Let His Word build us up. Let His Word strengthen us. Let His Word direct our path. Don’t let the messiness of cares, worries, doubts, fears, frustrations, failures and shortcomings become the weight of our thoughts. Let’s Surrender to God instead and let the Word of God heal us from the inside out. 

When we go through a tough time, it is essential to force ourselves to shift our attention away from the fire of worry that we are experiencing and place our attention on all the blessings that God has given us.  There are always positive things going on around us but many times we have to force ourselves to look for them. I have been in the thick of tough times (whether its been at work, home, with relationships, or many other circumstances), and it’s easy to get caught up in the fire of worry.  But when I think of the blessings of God, there is much peace that fills my mind.  And it has taken me much time to understand that I am the daughter of the Living King and my worry needs to be laid at the foot of the cross, not to be picked up again because I am impatient, or I am not liking the circumstances that are unfolding. And when I dwell on God and His faithfulness, I am reminded that everything I have is God’s and that not only is He with me but He goes before me.  My job is to release my worry and fully trust God in the process of shifting thoughts.  

There are times in our lives when we have some legitimate concerns about where things might be headed for us or those we love. But the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:19 that God “...will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  To put this scripture in action, we have to recognize when we are worrying and replace those uninvited thoughts with ones that not only bring a good return but help us live in peace.  In Philippians 4:6-7, we’re told not to be anxious or worried but to pray instead.  Jesus tells us the more we pray, the less we’ll worry.  Let’s be vigilant in looking for ways to be grateful. When a worry comes to the mind, replace it with a thankful or joyful thought. 

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